Identify the Real Zodiac Sign |
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Identify the Real Zodiac Sign

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Identify the Real Zodiac Sign

1500 грн

Deadline: Up to 2 business days

As a rule, people refer to themselves as one or another sign of the Zodiac according to the date of birth and the widespread conditional division into dates that determine these signs. This classification is based on the movement of the Sun through the circle of the Zodiac. But this division is incorrect for several reasons:
– In different years, the time and even the date of transition from sign to sign differ, so the exact position of the Sun can be determined only from the tables of the Ephemeris;
– In addition to the Sun, 15 more elements (luminaries, planets, stars, moons, nodes and asteroids) act on a person in different spheres of life, which are also in different signs of the Zodiac at different times.

As a rule, people refer to themselves as one or another sign of the Zodiac according to the date of birth and the widespread conditional division into dates that determine these signs. This classification is based on the movement of the Sun through the circle of the Zodiac. But this division is incorrect for several reasons:
– In different years, the time and even the date of transition from sign to sign differ, so the exact position of the Sun can be determined only from the tables of the Ephemeris;
– In addition to the Sun, 15 more elements (luminaries, planets, stars, moons, nodes and asteroids) act on a person in different spheres of life, which are also in different signs of the Zodiac at different times.

By ordering this service, you can find out not only your true zodiac sign, but also the manifestations of other zodiac signs in your life.

Deadline: Up to 2 business days

As a result, you will find out which Zodiac Sign manifests itself:

  • in character;
  • when relaxing;
  • in thinking;
  • in love;
  • in society;
  • in action;
  • in the formation of life values;
  • in the event of unexpected situations;
  • when receiving pleasure;
  • in relations with the motherland;
  • when looking for an alternative;
  • in the manifestation of self-discipline;
  • at its best;
  • at its worst;
  • when determining the life goal;
  • in habitual behavior;
  • in external manifestations.

*You can also get a FREE more detailed description of the manifestation of each Sign in the above life areas. To do this, you need to follow us on Facebook or Instagram and write to us in the direct number of your order with the words “I want a description of the Zodiac Signs”.

Identify the Real Zodiac Sign

1500 грн

  • 5


    Дуже цікаво! Але дійсно більше схоже на мене, ніж загальний опис Знаків Зодіаку. Замовляв такі описи на вечірку з друзями. Всім дуже сподобалось

  • 5


    Очень прикольно!) Оказывается я не Стрелец, а больше Скорпион (на 80%). Вот почему мне не подходили описания…

  • 5


    Вот всегда ощущала себя Скорпионом, хотя по дате рождения Стрелец)

  • 5


    Була приголомшена!!! Настільки чітко мене не описав навіть мій психолог. Замовила ще 3 описа для всієї сім’ї. Планую занятися самоаналізом. Це дійсно працює)

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Identify the Real Zodiac Sign

1500 грн

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Identify the Real Zodiac Sign

1500 грн

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