Questions about training |
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Questions about training

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Questions about training

3000 грн

Deadline: Up to 2 business days

Gaining new knowledge for each person is of great importance due to the fact that it increases his competitiveness in the labor market and opens up better opportunities for achieving his/her goals. As a rule, this question is thought about by schoolchildren who are thinking about their future. But in fact, this is an important issue in the life of every person. You can ask any number of questions in one topic during the day (24 hours). It is IMPORTANT to fix the time when you formulated your question.

Gaining new knowledge for each person is of great importance due to the fact that it increases his competitiveness in the labor market and opens up better opportunities for achieving his/her goals. As a rule, this question is thought about by schoolchildren who are thinking about their future. But in fact, this is an important issue in the life of every person. You can ask any number of questions in one topic during the day (24 hours). It is IMPORTANT to fix the time when you formulated your question.

Deadline: Up to 2 business days

Among the questions that astrology can answer are the following:

  • Which university and specialty to choose?
  • Which teacher (lecturer) to choose?
  • Should I enroll in full-time or part-time studies?
  • Is it better to rent an apartment or live in a dormitory?
  • How ready am I for the exam?
  • Is it worth taking additional lessons?
  • Which teacher is better to choose for additional classes?
  • Which thesis topic to choose?
  • Is it worth enrolling in the magistracy?

Questions about training

3000 грн

  • 5


    Выбирали школу по гороскопу. Хотели выбрать более бюджетный вариант, но астрологи подсказали не экономить. Сейчас очень довольны результатом. Не дали нам ошибиться)

  • 5


    С вашей помощью сделала правильный выбор в обучении сына. Последовали вашим советам. 4 года сын отучился в техникуме с большим удовольствием. И ему все нравилось! Теперь будем выбирать совместно с Вами обучение в ВУЗЕ. Спасибо большое!

  • 5


    С помощью астрологов выбрала репетитора. Очень довольна результатом! Сейчас выбираю косметолога)

  • 5


    Очень сложно было выбрать универ и специальность. Ни разу не пожалела, что обратилась к астрологам. Уже 2 год учусь и кайфую!

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Questions about training

3000 грн

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Questions about training

3000 грн

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